“The administration claims that new audit efforts are unnecessary, given that the government already has internal offices devoted to finding waste.”

Are they fucking serious? And Americans swallow this shit???

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Come on man. Trust them. Hunter knows where every penny is hidden. No need for oversight.

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i don’t know about the pennies, but i can guarantee you hunter knows where all the dime bags are.

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(D)epends evidently which side of the aisle you’re on as to whether expenditures of gubmint monies is important

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General George Marshall said Harry Truman's war spending oversight committee while Truman was a Senator was as valuable as another division of soldiers and equipment. So all sides should applaud a deep dive into what we get for our money.

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Interesting, thank you

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

Up until a few years ago I wasn't aware that there is zero accountability for where money is spent on our "unhoused" situation in San Francisco. A district supervisor said that the mayor apparently doesn't have any authority to ask for an audit. Recently, an independent journalist has been uncovering fraud in certain non-profits associated with homelessness and the street drug industrial complex. Billions, not millions, are spent every year for special programs and virtually all of it evaporates into the Twilight Zone.

Of course, "new audit efforts are unnecessary..." because they are too busy covering their asses and coming up with insane excuses. Tax payer extortion should be the crime of the century, and not just this one, but mostly this one.

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Quelle surprise! I heard that someone was getting paid $50/day per spot where a homeless person can have their tent on the asphalt of a former parking lot (near Civic Center BART). A nominal fence, portajohn and security are provided. But if you consider 100-200 spaces, that's $5-$10K per day. I don't doubt that there is graft by the bucketful.

The "homeless services" like so many other govt operations are there for the formation of eternal sinecures for the govt employee class. If they actually solved the problem, then their jobs would go away. You see where this is headed. Handling ailing infrastructure is ignored. Eventually, areas of the city may become unusable. Today, you can go down Hyde St at Turk St and watch people shoot up in broad daylight (or take a dump on the sidewalk).

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They'll try anything, whomever "they" are. You realize the city was trying to set up an RV shelter in an empty parking lot near the Ocean Avenue BART station (near City College). Wow, did that go over well. The issue is why are there so many non-profits involved? The system is incoherent and byzantine. I'm losing track of the myriad services that our supervisors and whatever other entities are trying to foist on the citizens. My supervisor wants to set up a permanent encampment at one of the piers along the Embarcadero. A working pier. I say, move them out as far away from normal humans as possible, like an open area south of the County line in the Brisbane Baylands. If we send rockets to Mars, we can supply them with generators and some type of water source. I realize I must seem inhumane, but for the amount of money spent on contractors, social workers, special interests, non-profits, you could hire a company to set up an encampment in the wilds of Brisbane. :)

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I have one word for this... Money Laundering.

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Why would anyone be against oversight of spending on Ukraine?....!unless they had something(s) to hide?

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The same people who would complain about the movie Sound of Freedom...

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

A single parent making 75k a year in the Bay Area is held accountable for paying every last nickel in taxes that the IRS and the California State Franchise Board can squeeze out of them. No passes, no excuses, no fu€ks given.

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A good speech given at the UN Security Council on US corrupt spending.


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Keep truckin' Lee!

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I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that Democrats are raging hypocrits

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As a Republican, I can "proudly" point at the Republican Senators pork-barell spending last December. Most of our lawmakers are raging hypocrites, members of the Uniparty that runs our nation.

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I’ll believe that when I see it. Massie has better odds of catching on fire than Lindsey Graham letting him execute a formal audit for the expenditure of Ukraine funds IMO.

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Here is my proposal: Anyone in favor of not to mention voted for War in Ukraine should be immediately sent to the FRONT LINES-- put their LIVES on the line if they are so in favor of War!

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I wish every time I was misappropriating $$ I had the ability to persuade the powers that be to look away. Nothing screams collusion and collaborated corruption like that little dance

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I think D’s know that some of their positions (Covid origins, disinformation complex, and this) are not popular with regular D voters and the MSM is losing the battle. I think that’s why they are so wound up about the idea of a No Labels candidate. Will be interesting to see how this goes.

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Contrary to what our mothers told us, money does grow on trees. The federal reserve tree.

They are throwing money around like there is no tomorrow, perhaps they are trying to tell us taxpayers something?

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What the hell happened to Bernie Sanders? Seriously. There are so many things he stands up for, speaks out about, shows up for. Ever since the 2016 debacle in Philly, and it WAS a horrific convention, he seems tentative and cowed in many arenas. It's heartbreaking. And I don't give a fuck WHO calls for audits, they should be executed now. Not that it mattered in Afghanistan.

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Whatever happened to ways and means? Your examples are shocking all the more when all this waste is done in the taxpayer's name. $9M for very few goats is gut wrenching to read.

Thank you for your sourcing & reporting on this, Lee. It's good news that Congress shows some demand here, and I hope it gets voted in. If not, I'll definitely ask why not.

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Great news, Go Massie! Did you know he raises cattle, too?

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At this point in world’s history, who would trust the auditors sent to pore over the books?

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