Overreach by the security state has been happening for the past 70 years but has been on steroids since 911. Short of total & complete dismantling these government bureaucracy’s one by one, I just don’t see how in the world we stop them. To make matters even worse is the incestuous relationship between the main stream media, big tech, and the security state. Reaching into every facet of our lives, what we consume, listen to, write, and even speak on. It’s truly a dire situation.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

The same people claiming to be democracy’s defenders are its absolute worst enemies.

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Well, we must destroy democracy in order to save it you know.

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"We're not violating people's civil rights or civil liberties. We're not working as conduit to work around the Fourth Amendment,” said Nash. “We wouldn't do that.”

Bullshit. We need to vote the crooks in Washington out, so that we can restore our rights to privacy again and stop living in a police state. This is sickening. If you're thinking about voting for Biden in '24, go back and read the article again.

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Sadly, I do not see how the political system can change the fundamental architecture of control that has been developed. It was developed so that it is not reliant on the system and, beyond that, to have control over the political system. I fear that any "privacy rights" we believe we still have are just a mirage or an illusion at this point. Not sure if or how we ever get that back. Voting for the latest member of the UniParty will most assuredly not accomplish that.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

As long as A.J. Nash of ZeroFox promises never to violate my civil liberties or my 4th Amendment rights I'm totally satisfied.

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So how does she ID a potential 'threat actor' who is a 14 year old gamer w/o turning the 14 year old gamer into a 'threat actor'?

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More like grooming threat actors.

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(I'm referring to the video)

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So she:

Spies on underage people

Reports on their activities to coercive institutions


What a predator.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

The agencies on the receiving end of this information are incapable of managing the information flow. When citizens, agents and even the Russian government tell them of threats, they do not act. We eventually discover their failures as the body counts happen.

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First thing comes to mind is Bellingcat's russian social media find

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May 11, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

On one hand, we want a government that is capable of keeping “us” safe and spying/human intelligence is one means, but now we have the internet with no boundaries, and the complexity and enormity that there is has led to this outsourcing of intelligence gathering and that puts in play all sorts of perverse behavioral incentives... keeping us thinking through the implications is what you bring to the table Lee, TY.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

Bravo Lee and - thank you !!

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May 12, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

The last paragraph of this article ... my God! Thank you, Lee Fang

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There is nothing more comforting than corrupt US fascists “protecting democracy” with our (taxpayers) money.

Defund criminal FBI.

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Every time you watch a movie about East Germany, at the end of the movie, there are several screens of statistics about how much information the Stasi kept on each citizen. This is supposed to be horrifying. But I have to imagine that the US government (working with private contractors) now keeps more information on its citizens than East Germany ever did. So, hmm.

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Another GREAT & very informative job Lee!! You couldn't have said it better in your comment Evans. So all I can do is give it another "like".

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Encrypted messaging apps are rampant with child pornography wherein innocent children are suffering....yet our government is spying on people who like to play video games and might talk about guns from time to time? Priorities.

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Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When your sole purpose is to gain and exercise power, you inevitably lose your soul.

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