Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

I love that Taibbi corrected the date error in his work, but Hasan has yet to correct this error in his work. It perfectly demonstrates the difference in journalistic integrity between an independent journalist and a mainstream news outlet.

Thanks for writing this -- it's too bad that Taibbi got railroaded into talking about this minor detail of his reporting instead of being able to focus on the key Twitter Files take-homes about the intertwined nature of federal agencies and social media networks. I really wish that Taibbi had simply responded with: "Thank you for bringing this to my attention -- I'll investigate and make any corrections as necessary after doing so. Now, would you like to comment on the meat of the story?"

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Mahdi Hasan is a deeply repulsive State Security grifter. Paid to deliberately and knowingly lie -- no. chance of ever correcting himself

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And - very pertinent:

An astonishing interview of smart and noble Elon Musk - Part One

Elon Musk FULL INTERVIEW with Tucker Carlson: AI, OpenAI, Google, TruthGPT, Twitter

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfYbxzdkk6M (34 min)

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If you love, respect and interested in Matt – a MUST see interview - OUTSTANDING

Matt Taibbi interview with Viva Frei – April 21, 2023 (PS: I have now a new respect for Viva too)


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Agreed. I think/hope that Taibbi, his immediate willingness to admit that he may have erred, and his actions to correct it, will ultimately show him as a reporter with integrity.

Hasan is clearly intelligent and quick minded. Such a shame that he seems to be doing something other than searching for, finding, and exposing important truths.

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Nice to see at least a handful of journalists weighing in on Taibbi's behalf.

Looking forward to seeing more from you on Substack. Just subscribed.

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Ditto here including the subscription!

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

Thank you for bringing forth evidence that Taibbi didn’t lie. It’s too bad”news” organizations aren’t more easily dissuaded (charged with a crime) from making knowingly false claims.

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Yeah, Matt later said on his 'America this week' podcast with Walter Kirn that he wasn't very happy with losing his temper on that interview, and said he could have handled that a lot better. I for one think that makes Matt more, not less, believable. He's just like us - trying to the best job he can, and occasionally getting flumoxed by someone who isn't bothered by little things like decency and truthfullness.

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Totally agree. I just tried to say what you just said!

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Lee, thanks for 'coming over to the dark side' where us 'deplorables' hang out. I was an engineer in the CIA for 25 years, and retired early because I could no longer handle the rampant idiocy and backstabbing. When I pulled the plug my wife and I were more than a little concerned about our ability to make it on the outside; we figured if worst came to worst we could share a work shift at McDonalds :). What we actually found though, was that in real life people thanked us for doing good work and respected (and rewarded - what a concept!) our skill sets - it was absolutely mind-blowing after all those years in the basement, being fed s...t and being told to like it. I'm telling you this long-winded story because I suspect you too will find that out here in the real world, we appreciate good, honest journalism, and while you might not get rich monetarily, your 'psychic income' will be MUCH higher! Welcome!

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Welcome to Substack Lee - have followed your reporting for years, and glad to see you've found your way here. Thank you for your integrity and the perseverance with which you expose the truth - America needs real journalists like yourself & Matt Taibbi now more than ever.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

Matt sent me. Welcome to the Stack.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

"Matt sent me" Ditto :)

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Matt sent me.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

I’m glad you’re here full time.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

I'm really glad Fang finally moved to Substack.

It was getting annoying to qualify the fact that the The Intercept now sucks, with "save a few notable remaining journalists".

Also, slightly easier to objectify than Walter Kirn.

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Hey, Walter Kirn is definitely highly objectified by a niche but hearty section of the population. Probably.

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Hey, slightly. I'm already counted among that niche section of the population. I might pine after Greenwald's house-full-of-dogs lifestyle, but Kirn is the only writer who's thus-far made a guest appearance in my dreams.

It was only a lighthearted comment at the similar black and white style portraits of these two. I think I could explain a Lee Fang crush to my boyfriend more easily than someone closer in age to my father... but that's about it. =)

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It is too bad to see another once reasonable person lured by fame and fortune. Was Hasan always as slippery as he now seems to be, or is it the opportunity to be the next Rachel Maddow that has changed him? Thanks for making it clear that with Hasan the reader must beware.

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The Grayzone livestream from Friday, April 7 has video clips of Medhi that display his apparent careerism. Apparently he'll say anything.

A principled person trying to be interviewed by a careerist, unprincipled person... we saw how that went. I guess Matt and Medhi needed to agree to the purpose of Matt's appearance, and state it for the viewers at the outset.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

In watching nutrtional debates, it's been very apparent to me for a long time that debate is just a sport. It doesn't get anyone closer to the truth. It just shows who's a better debater, even if they have to be underhanded.

A discussion between peers with opposing views can be fruitful if both sides are charitible. But when it becomes about point scoring and trying to pull on a single thread to invalidate a mass of evidence? Nah. When it becomes smears and character assassination? Nah

And it's been my experience super well educated people who thrive within institutions (corporations, academia) are often greater debaters. The MSM Elevates these people bc they serve a function for the state, for the party

They score their points and then John Stewart and Mark Hamill and other celebs do their victory dance and then in the hearts and minds of the public MSNBC "won". The latter fall out doesn't matter bc it didn't happen on TV.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

High praise from Matt Taibbi got me to subscribe, Welcome to Substack

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

So glad to see you on Substack. I have appreciated you over the years, but had stopped subscribing to the Intercept at the time Glenn Greenwald left.

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Bravo and thank you, Lee

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

So glad you came to Substack as I love your work but refuse to read the Intercept anymore, especially after G. Greenwald left it.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

Just in-- Hasan shows himself a craven and ignorant sleazeball...

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Video at 11..

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

Didn't know you left Theintercept

I paid for a year here. I hope substack works out for you and is fruitful.

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