The FBI and disinformation are two sides of the same coin.

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“He emphasized that the FBI has been his agency’s “top partner.” “ This does not seem to me to be a role for the FBI.. don’t they have enough US criminals to catch?

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After the next school shooting, remember the Ukrainians needed help more.

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..."he is a proponent of free speech".

..."everything against our country, consider it a fake, even if it's not"

I keep reading these two statements, and simply cannot wrap my head around the guy saying this.

Maybe it's just me...

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It’s not you. It’s doublespeak.

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They call it "malinformation" -- true info but inconvenient for the establishment narrative. They actually created a word for it. You gotta hand it to these try-hard govt stooges -- they'd fill entire concentration camps with us wrong-thinkers if their masters ordered it. Of course they can't fix the electrical grid, but they are tireless at censorship.

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You have to admit: it's helpful when they finally say it plainly.

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It's another way of saying all is fair in love and war. Or the first casualty of war is the truth. Or when you're in a real fight and you bite the other guy's cheek meat off to get him to stop gauging out your eye.

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

Hey Lee, do we subscribers need to begin putting together a bailout fund for when the FBI comes for you?

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It's ridiculous the lengths to which our government will go to protect this obviously corrupt Ukrainian regime. I would love to know why?

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If you really want to know why, read Michael Hudson. He explains the geo-economic forces at play that undergird the entire anti-Russia/anti-China exercise. The short version is the western global homogenization project of the past 80 years -- the plan was for financial monopolies to control world trade and function as a global rentier class, a sort of neo-feudalism. China was to be the world's cheap labor factory, but they had other plans -- Xi represents the final nail in the western project for China. Russia was to be broken up and plundered after the USSR collapsed but Putin came in, took control from the western-backed oligarchs and became a mortal enemy of the western capitalist class. When you hear western leaders use the word democracy what they mean is a government weak enough to be controlled by a small crew of oligarchs. When they call a nation an autocracy they mean a country with a strong enough central govt to keep the oligarchs from complete plunder. You can find Hudson's interviews all over the internet, on video and text. I highly recommend him if you want a deeper understanding of the underlying forces at play.

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Thank you for this, I appreciate it

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

Just subscribed. Thank you for your hard work and diligence to bring all of this to light.

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Thank you

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Yes I did too. Been reading your work for years. Glad to see you on substack and away from the intercept.

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Very interesting piece. It's an uncomfortable truth we seem to be dealing with that falsehoods, bad actors and would-be heroes are all muddying the truth.

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They’re all bad guys, in truth.

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“My country right or wrong” is absolutely stupid no matter the country or situation.

End this war before these idiots make it worse.

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We need to make this stop.

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Great summary that needs to be shared widely with people most panicked over First Amendment rights of journalists

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I think this is an interesting article that highlights the complexity of the role intelligence agencies play in society. It’s easy to point at them when they do horrible things, but imagine eliminating these agencies completely. How so do you think it would be before people were screaming for them to come back? The bottom line is we live in a world where we have to have agencies like CIA, FBI and DHS because even though they overstep their mandates, the threats are not imaginary and the war of spies won’t end just because we might decide to eliminate our agencies.

Unfortunately, the only curative is a dogged and unrelenting press coupled with clear laws and a trustworthy judiciary. This is ultimately what the real problem was with the Patriot Act and the various NDAA’s that erased meaningful boundaries between our enemies and our citizenry. It is this reality that galvanizes my support of people like Lee, Matt T and Glen G.

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I don't buy that narrative. Secret police always get out of control and the CIA has been creating disasters and destruction around the world for 80 years now. Just look at the place. They control the media and lie all the time. They aren't protecting us, they're controlling us and frankly, putting us in great jeopardy. If the CIA was just an analysis agency, with no operational branch then fine -- but they are all operations now with analysis only to support their ops. Its a disaster and total contravention of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. The FBI was founded ostensibly to route out communists and has functioned to crush labor unions and workers for a 100 years until their focus shifted to creating and "foiling" domestic terror plots. Of course that's not the entire FBI, its a big org and they do good work too. But you're correct -- we need an oppositional press and fair judicial process to guard against their power. But we have neither of those.

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You miss my point. I’m not saying they’re good, saying that no matter what we have to deal eternally with spy agencies. You could get rid of them by they would come right back because there is a global information war that will never end.

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I cant think of a single thing the US intelligence agencies have succeeded at. I really can't... anyone?

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They called the Russian invasion of Ukraine pretty accurately. Russia was saying they weren't going to invade.

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I have read and listened to and corresponded with Michael Hudson. His is one point of view. So is yours. Every history has a multitude of possible relatively true points of view. Historians can think on multiple levels. There will always be an antithesis. In a higher court, your thesis of Putin as a fair minded leader would however easily be shot down.

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Thank you -- are you really leaving Sub-stack?

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Remaining on Substack, just changing the website domain to make it easier to find me, hopefully.

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Either way works but I guess its good to have your own frame like Taibbi does. But you need a catchy slogan or something -- like "The Golden Fang" ;).

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Greenwald’s system update - Brazil’s Lula internet slapdown https://rumble.com/v2looka-system-update-79.html

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From Grossman's Life and Fate, Chapter 42. "In late summer 1942 Kleist's Army Group in the Caucusus seized the most important of the Soviet oilfields, near Maykop. German troops had reached Crete and North Cape, Northern Finland and the shores of the Channel. The desert fox, Marshall Erwin Rommel, was eighty kilometers from Alexandria. Chasseurs had hoisted the swastika over the peak of Mount Elbruz. Manstein had received orders to train giant cannons and Nebelwerfer rocket-launchers on Leningrad itself, the citadel of Bolshevism. The sceptical Mussolini was drawing up plans for his advance into Cairo and learning to ride an Arab stallion. Dietl was advancing over the snow in northern latitudes never before fought over by any European army. Paris, Vienna, Prague and Brussels had become provincial German cities.

The time had come for National Socialism to realize its cruellest designs against human life and freedom. It is a lie that it was the pressures of the war that forced the Fascist leaders to undertake these measures. On the contrary, danger and a lack of confidence in their own power were what most served to restrain and temper them.

If Fascism should ever be fully assured of its final triumph, the world will choke in blood. If the day ever dawns when Fascism is without armed enemies, then its executioners will know no restraint: the greatest enemy of Fascism is man.

In the autumn of 1942, during the apogee of National Socialism's military success, the government of the Reich announced a series of cruel and inhuman decrees: under one of these, that of 12 September, European Jewry was removed from the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts and transferred to that of the Gestapo.

Adolf Hitler and the Party leadership had decided upon the final destruction of the Jewish nation."

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News is supposed to be for our use not theirs. Free press and all that. I see people tuning out to all of it. It’s become a joke here in middle earth (Kentucky). Keep it coming!

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