As usual, I'm in awe of how dogged you are at getting at the truth. Hoping--but pessimistic--that your kind of journalism will make a come back. Having seen her mix of bombast and false accusations when Matt Taibbi testified on the surveillance and censorship rampant among Twitter administrators, it would be nice if these revelations ended her career (but again pessimistic).
It is absolutely making it come back... Think about 20 years ago?.. The primary impediment to most journalists continuing this type of work has been addressed.... Substack allows us to support them.., as long as we do that, as long as they know that we're in their corner... People like taibi, schellenberger, Miss Weiss, and Mr. Fang here... This is the fucking newsroom... This is where I get my news .... I'm sure that's the same for most. Let the bloated rotting beached whale carcass that passes for American mainstream "journalism" today ,Get eaten by dogs.. and disintegrate in the sun....
I mean their strategy is to scream as loud as they can that we're racist or transphobic or homophobic or a misogynist or just evil white adjacent thingys... Their model is built on us shutting up at that moment.... Lying down at that moment of accusation... Subjugating ourselves to their judgement... If We tell them to go pound sand... stand our ground.. show back bone., Some good old-fashioned opposition.. They won't know what to do with themselves... Their model doesn't account for that..
They bank on our capitulation and silence... We show them anything but that... & I'll bet on us all day..
This is why I subcribe to your substack. I began subscribing after hearing of you from Matt Taibbi. I hope my subscrition, in part, continues to contribute to finance your investigative reporting. Great job and thank you!
That's why I love you brother, you always have a smile on your face, you are calm, you are sweet, and respectful.
But what I like the most, if someone talks shit about a fellow journalist brethren of yours, (this time Matt Taibbi) their ass will be put in the Lee Fang typewriter crosshairs.
I second that--I subscribed after Matt Taibbi sang your praises-- he was not exaggerating-- You kick ass-- Thank you sincerely for the outstanding work you post on substack
This article has made my teeth hurt-- just as TeroB posted-- sweet indeed
While I generally frown upon schadenfreude, after seeing her display of self-righteous virtue posturing (and just generally acting the condescending d-bag) during Taibbi’s testimony, the sweetness of this news is making my teeth hurt.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your consistently essential work--especially today.
In fairness to the so-called Congresswoman, she doesn't even have a vote. How else is she supposed to line her pockets at the expense of what is ethical and in service to her constituents and the general public? Not everyone can just shamelessly insider-trade their ass off and earn millions because they're plugged-in, (like some other members of Congress) so inevitably some of these scumbags are going to have to go begging from rich pedophiles.
Remember when all this shit was called "bribery" or "corruption" and was illegal?
This is just the $ on the books. I would like to know what her lifestyle is.
The way she went after Matt and Michael on the floor of Congress was bizarre and she was just reading whatever her handlers were telling her. At some point, people like this will crack under pressure and reveal the Oz behind the curtain or get Epsteined I suppose (:
The ick factor is strong with this one - and honestly: not against you, Lee. But I'm not gonna hold my breath for anything to happen to her, Jamie Dimon or the rest of these scumbags. And WTH happened to all the damning evidence found in Epstein's home about Bubba et al? (Some may know, sorry.)
Wow! I wish Matt knew this before testifying! Well done Mr Fang. Now, where is the follow through against Epstein’s many cohorts that seem to have dissolved into the memory hole where facts from even yesterday are supposed to be stored. Nauseating.
Kudos on some very impressive digging. Her theatrics toward Matt can’t help but heighten my interest in her downfall. If she did not know the money floating through her office was tainted with the tears of young girls, than she is guilty of willful ignorance. Lying about not knowing about his contributions, while emails verify your aggressive pursuit of his money...well it all makes sense
Well done in finding and publishing the truth.
Bravo! Great journalism…
As usual, I'm in awe of how dogged you are at getting at the truth. Hoping--but pessimistic--that your kind of journalism will make a come back. Having seen her mix of bombast and false accusations when Matt Taibbi testified on the surveillance and censorship rampant among Twitter administrators, it would be nice if these revelations ended her career (but again pessimistic).
It is absolutely making it come back... Think about 20 years ago?.. The primary impediment to most journalists continuing this type of work has been addressed.... Substack allows us to support them.., as long as we do that, as long as they know that we're in their corner... People like taibi, schellenberger, Miss Weiss, and Mr. Fang here... This is the fucking newsroom... This is where I get my news .... I'm sure that's the same for most. Let the bloated rotting beached whale carcass that passes for American mainstream "journalism" today ,Get eaten by dogs.. and disintegrate in the sun....
I mean their strategy is to scream as loud as they can that we're racist or transphobic or homophobic or a misogynist or just evil white adjacent thingys... Their model is built on us shutting up at that moment.... Lying down at that moment of accusation... Subjugating ourselves to their judgement... If We tell them to go pound sand... stand our ground.. show back bone., Some good old-fashioned opposition.. They won't know what to do with themselves... Their model doesn't account for that..
They bank on our capitulation and silence... We show them anything but that... & I'll bet on us all day..
Stacey is stupid!
This is why I subcribe to your substack. I began subscribing after hearing of you from Matt Taibbi. I hope my subscrition, in part, continues to contribute to finance your investigative reporting. Great job and thank you!
Thank you so much, Charles
That's why I love you brother, you always have a smile on your face, you are calm, you are sweet, and respectful.
But what I like the most, if someone talks shit about a fellow journalist brethren of yours, (this time Matt Taibbi) their ass will be put in the Lee Fang typewriter crosshairs.
The Silent Assassin is coming fo'yo ASS!!!
I second that--I subscribed after Matt Taibbi sang your praises-- he was not exaggerating-- You kick ass-- Thank you sincerely for the outstanding work you post on substack
This article has made my teeth hurt-- just as TeroB posted-- sweet indeed
same her. more people need to wise up. share this page. if only one out of 10 read it. or oe out of 100 we are still that much further ahead
Yay!! Glad there’s dirt on this disgraceful woman! Would there be consequences for her corruption!
Just magnificent.
You made my week!
While I generally frown upon schadenfreude, after seeing her display of self-righteous virtue posturing (and just generally acting the condescending d-bag) during Taibbi’s testimony, the sweetness of this news is making my teeth hurt.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your consistently essential work--especially today.
Stacey is SO sickening.
In fairness to the so-called Congresswoman, she doesn't even have a vote. How else is she supposed to line her pockets at the expense of what is ethical and in service to her constituents and the general public? Not everyone can just shamelessly insider-trade their ass off and earn millions because they're plugged-in, (like some other members of Congress) so inevitably some of these scumbags are going to have to go begging from rich pedophiles.
Remember when all this shit was called "bribery" or "corruption" and was illegal?
This line of sleuthing might yield a similar situation on all non-voting members of congress
This is just the $ on the books. I would like to know what her lifestyle is.
The way she went after Matt and Michael on the floor of Congress was bizarre and she was just reading whatever her handlers were telling her. At some point, people like this will crack under pressure and reveal the Oz behind the curtain or get Epsteined I suppose (:
She's not normal!
The ick factor is strong with this one - and honestly: not against you, Lee. But I'm not gonna hold my breath for anything to happen to her, Jamie Dimon or the rest of these scumbags. And WTH happened to all the damning evidence found in Epstein's home about Bubba et al? (Some may know, sorry.)
Great job digging up the truth
Subscription worth every penny!
PLASKETT is politically ambitious and morally unscrupulous. Let’s see where she ends up.
Sums her up perfectly.
Wow! I wish Matt knew this before testifying! Well done Mr Fang. Now, where is the follow through against Epstein’s many cohorts that seem to have dissolved into the memory hole where facts from even yesterday are supposed to be stored. Nauseating.
Start with Acosta
You're trending on Twitter with this bombshell!
Kudos on some very impressive digging. Her theatrics toward Matt can’t help but heighten my interest in her downfall. If she did not know the money floating through her office was tainted with the tears of young girls, than she is guilty of willful ignorance. Lying about not knowing about his contributions, while emails verify your aggressive pursuit of his money...well it all makes sense
Whenever a Democrat points a finger, just assume they are doing the thing they are accusing you's just their MO nowadays
Isn't that part of the Saul Alinsky playbook?
No wonder she threatened Matt Taibbi with prison!
So self-righteous & hypocritical (along with Debbie.Wassermann Schultz.)