Sep 19, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

Great collaboration! The depth of corruption and continued coverup seems to have no end. Thank you for staying on it!

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This article on Hunter Biden's laptop got me to upgrade to a paid sub, although I've been an admirer of Lee Fang's investigative journalism for a decade. I used to report on his work when I had my Third Paradigm radio show on the pirate station, Free Radio Santa Cruz.

I'm glad that this detailed article, which exposes the media collaboration along with government corruption, calls out James Risen. I was suspicious when he went to the Intercept and then listened to him have a 'friendly debate' with Glenn Greenwald. Glenn was gracious and respectful but brought his usual logic and facts. I forget the topic but it was clear that James was a plant infiltrating independent media. It would take some months until the Intercept revealed it was a sham too. While there are still some good reporters there, the real ones are jumping the false flag ship.

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The levels and duration of corruption in media outlets like Washington Post around Joe and Hunter Biden's misdeeds remains stunning. The White House's arrogance and assumptive attitudes toward "guidance" of media coverage is similarly outrageous. Thank you Lee for shining a bright, independent light on these happenings in your Substack!

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Someday I hope I can live in a country where I don't have to choose between two elderly, corrupt idiots for President.

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You should start looking for a new country. This one has got one foot in the grave.

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The history of humanity is basically one of remorseless sociopaths seeking power.

America is not unique in the evil it does. Once a people get power, they immediately begin to abuse it.

I have come to believe that the single most important function a government can serve is stopping any one person or group of people from acquiring too much power. Those who seek power will abuse it. Every time.

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The Biden family corruption coverup is far far worse than Watergate. I’m old enough to remember how the media, especially the Washington Post, was all over the Watergate investigation and provided many of the critical insights into the Nixon White House machinations to cover things up. Woodward and Bernstein’s reporting relied on information supplied by senior FBIofficial, Mark Felt, aka “Deep Throat.” At DOJ, the Attorney General, Elliot Richardson, resigned in protest rather than cooperate with the attempted coverup.

In contrast, todays’ Biden scandals, are covered up by the media using the constant refrain of “no evidence” if they even bother to report on it. The DOJ has actively stalled and obstructed the investigation, trying to slip a sweetheart plea deal past the judge that would have nearly killed any further charges against Hunter and Joe Biden. The FBI sat on the Hunter Biden laptop for nearly a year and when they knew (I wonder how?) the New York Post was about reveal the contents of the laptop, the FBI went to Twitter and Facebook to try to pre-bunk the story as “possible Russian disinformation.” Nothing to see here, just move along folks.

Meanwhile the DOJ and the media are pulling out all the stops to prosecute Donald Trump and prevent him from running against Joe Biden, while the Democratic Party is also ensuring there is no primary challenge to Biden and voters will have no say in his renomination. Your democracy at work. Enjoy it!

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I’m in pittsburgh this week, watched a show on charges against Trump and Hunter, not a breath of comment on the real story with Biden, just the smokescreen gun charges

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This is the investigative reporting we need. Unfortunately, only a small slice of the U.S. public will ever read this or any investigative reporting on Hunter Biden, lab leak, vaccine narrative, etc. That is why the WH can issue their memo to the press with marching orders - the WH knows the media will follow the orders. They know the public is gullible and incurious.

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And all of this coverup was happening at a time when Joe Biden was Vice President, Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland (then Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs) was passing out cookies to the revolutionaries during the Maidan Revolution that overthrew a democratically elected president and installed a U.S./NATO friendly president), the prosecutor investigating Burisma was fired under pressure from the U.S, and the U.S. was encouraging NATO expansion into Ukraine.

So why is the U.S. so eager to absorb Ukraine into the Western sphere? Could it possibly have anything to do with the abundance of natural gas and oil in Ukraine (particularly in the Donetsk Basin and Crimean regions? I wonder.

How many dictators who were friendly to U.S. exploitation of natural resources has the U.S. supported? How many democratically elected presidents who were hostile to U.S. exploitation of natural resources were overthrown with U.S. support?

Do I see a pattern here?.

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All wars are about resources. Every goddamn one.

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Hunter Biden's stench has been steadily creating a miasma of corruption around his father. It has all the hallmarks of an issue that can give cover to Trump and send Biden to defeat in 2024.

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

The purpose of the Democratic Party isn't to govern; rather it is to ensure that no one who would hold hold the ruling class accountable ever does.

As long as they do, the donor cash will continue to roll in.

You can see that this is true by looking at who they are running - Biden is one of a half dozen people in America who can lose to Trump. Harris is another. Before that, they picked Hilary Clinton, the least popular person to crawl out of the Swamp.

But for every seat they lose, the remaining member of the Party get a little bit richer on donor cash.

Don't worry about the people who lose their seat in the service of their corporate masters- Democrat or Republican, they are almost certain to find a nice, high paying sinecure working in the industries they were supposed to regulate.

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I hope you don't seriously believe that the Republican Party will be our savior.

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I hope that one day when making a valid criticism of the Democratic Party's leadership, someone won't point to the Republicans, as if that was some form of defence.

People said that to me when Clinton was passing Republican legislation like NAFTA and Gramm-Leach-Blighly, offshoring our manufacturing base and creating Too-Big-To-Fail.

Then we got Bush 2, where the Democrats lined up behind the Iraq invasion. No number of human lives, apparently, were as important as looking butch. Can't be seen as a wimp, no matter how flimsy the case for the invasion was. Either that, or they were too stupid to govern.

Then Obama, elected to put the villains who blew up the world's economy. Instead he continued the Bush2 policy of no-strings attached, zero interest government loans, which the banks promptly loaned back (in part) to collect interest paid to them by the government by loaning the government back its own money.

10% of Trump voters voted for Obama.

Trump now enjoys the strongest support he ever has among minorities.

The Democrats have shown that when we vote in people to change things, they are merely absorbed into the Swamp.

The new blood in the GOP, however, has shaken the establishment by its very roots.

Maybe the enemy of my enemy can be my friend.

Certainly with friends like the ones I've got, I don't need enemies.

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023

If I am interpreting you correctly the stench surrounding Biden is due to his son, rather then anything he has done personally. If that is the case you are ill informed as to Biden's history. I would ask you what about the stench of leading us into a war in Iraq and using his position as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Comm to push his fellow democrats into supporting a war that killed some million people. He knew it was a lie, and his desire for war with Iraq went back further then 2003. Of course he supported other wars in his career like Reagan’s invasion of Grenada, the bombing of Libya in the 1980's and course gave George the elder a thumbs up on the invasion of Panama in 1991, and then Bill Clinton’s and his bombing of Kosovo. I think you can take it from there. Not to mention the he had to step down from a presidential run in the 1980's, due in part for propensity for stealing other people's writings, and speeches, even lied about marching in the civil rights movement. He wanted integration, but no busing, well, you can't have one with out the other in those days, and he knew it. Pamela reminded him of that. You know that guy he claimed killed his wife, another lie, since his wife moved into his line of traffic and she almost killed him. I think Biden's stench just rubbed off on his son. To think Obama put him in charge of the most corrupt country in Europe. I wonder about that. His son also has nothing to do with his policy in Ukraine, a neocon policy Biden adopted, which most politicians in this country have, and it is one they are willing to continue no matter the hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians. Of course they know it is doomed to failure but they are willing to take the risk, even if it means a nuclear war.  You're worried about Trump?

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And the corollary familial stench didn't start with Hunter, either. Anyone who's been around the Delmarva block a couple of times is aware that Joe's brother Jim is one of the biggest sleazeballs in the lower 48. Delaware has been stuck in the "When I grow up I wanna be New Jersey" phase for decades, and the Bidens grew, like fungus, right in the middle of it.

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023

I've heard about Jimmy boy, and no doubt too many that "serve" the interests of the people of this country, serve themselves and their families first. God, do we need term limits. I always thought Obama got a past on many things. I voted for him the first time, but not the second. However, I absolutely agree with his claim that Joe can really "fuck" things up, but then again so can he, and too often he is excused, or protected from harsh criticism which in a number of instances he really deserved, like his wars, and his droning, and the fact he was no liberal.

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This was meant for Seneca, and his comment.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

Heavy reporting. It's complex in that it involves multiple private and government factions across two nations. But it's simple in that it all boils down to greed.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

Not sure why you think it’s remarkable how uncritical most media organizations coverage of the Biden’s coverup was/is. It’s who they are. It’s what the do. They are part and parcel of elitist political/corporate structure. They exist to protect and defend it.

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Thank you for the clear and concise summary

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Clear, concise, and devastating for the framing the MSM has been using for so long. It is important to hove pointed out the discernible, yet so vigorously discredited, trail of bread crumbs still lying on the path to utter corruption. A pity so few will get to read it. Thanks, Lee.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

Keep digging, dude! We all appreciate it!

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

Thank you for researching and writing this important article.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Lee Fang

You do good work Lee Fang. I am glad I subscribe.

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At some point when the truth keeps hitting you square in the face something has to happen. Just wear ‘em down with the truth

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