I’m in

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Just found you on Twitter from a tweet shared by a friend. I subbed (first time subbing an annual) because this you wrote resonates with where I'm at now:

"I’ve bounced from magazines to think tanks and nonprofit supported investigative sites, seeking any place that will give me the opportunity to critique power and make sense of the world consistent with my values."

I do have a story about a govt civil rights malfeasance racket I got swept up in if you are interested.

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Thank you for subscribing. Send a tip to lee.fang (at) firstlookmedia.net

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However that link is broken.

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Okay I re-read your bio & I'm good now.

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link is broken.

Question: Twitter can be FOIA'd now, right?

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So exciting to see another amazing reporter on Substack. Excited to see what you publish here.

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Thanks Kathleen

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If you ever need content consumption assistance or content creation, no charge, let me know.

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I'm not sure how I'm going to pay for another substack, but I also feel like I don't really have a choice. In 2020, I had a knot in my gut because I realized I'd been played for a sucker. I was told that my own eyes were lying to me. I'll never forget that feeling. So I started paying for my news, which I had gotten for "free" before. The first was Glenn Greenwald and The Epoch Times because they weren't pissing in my face and telling me it was rain. Then Matt Taibbi, who I'd read since 1996. Then other good journalists who deserve to get rich for the work they do. I thought I was well-informed before, I watched Charlie Rose and all the other 'good' websites. I still remember David Ignatius and the show about Mike Flynn. I was such a sucker because I couldn't believe that someone could just fucking lie like that. Those people had complete contempt for me because they knew me. I was such a well-educated person, the good student, that I would never admit to myself I'd always been a sucker. They must really hate their readers to do that to them. So, I'll keep on paying good writers if it means I have to eat bread crusts and wipe my ass with newspaper. In exchange, all I ask is you hit them where it hurts.

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I just heard your counter points interview about the pentagon using Twitter to spread propaganda around the world. I was wondering if you were aware of the Smith Mundt act? Or its ammendment in 2009? Essentially DHS can use tax payer dollars to propagandise U.S. citizens on U.S. soil. Have you seen anything to indicate this in the Twitter files? It's not exactly news that our government messes with other countries. It is however a BFD if they are doing it to us. Nice reporting. Looking forward to more.

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Yes it's an area worth more close scrutiny

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Glad to see you here, Lee. So exciting to see you reporting on the Twitter files, and your recent articles have been superb. I hope you remember me--the health insurance guy in Los Angeles. I wish you and your wife Happy Holidays!

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Hey Tony, happy holidays!

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Lee Fang has high integrity and puts facts over narrative. If one can afford to do so, I think it is a public good to support his his independent journalism.

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Rarely does the value of a recommendation get confirmed so quickly!:)

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Looking forward to reading more of your work.

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Jeff Norman Asks Elon Musk and Twitter Files Reporters a Fair Question – please post further

(while standing in front of sign saying “Don’t even think about parking here” – pls., post on Twitter)


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"I’m interested in exposing the hidden dynamics that shape public policy, politics, and our society at large." - Lee Fang/ I've heard you on the Thom Hartmann Show many times Lee and admire your work.

Hi, have you ever thought about going deeper in your search for answers? For example, what about the idea of Thought Dynamics - the study and application of ideas in the creation of reality? From this point of view, every thought is a suggestion, a blueprint for action, and every action is a choice with consequences that work for us or against us. In other words, thoughts are "things" with a reality of their own and each of us, an artist. With thoughts in the form of beliefs, attitudes, values and expectations, we paint the landscape of our lives. If we decide that we don't like a certain belief, attitude, value or expectation, can't we change it? Sure we can!

Take simple thoughts like: "Greed is good, survival of the fittest", and "it's all me and no we." Do we question these beliefs to see where they'll take us, or do we accept them without question? When it comes to greed, when is enough, enough, and when does the end stop justifying the means? When personal survival is our highest priority, when do we reach out to help others? We don't; in an extreme dominionist worldview, it is only me and no we. Remember? Is this a bad thing?

It is neither good nor bad. Without a broad range of ideas or dimensions to play in, how can an individual learn how to be its True Self, the self it loves to be? Here's another impulse or idea that may percolate through our minds: Seek the greatest understanding and serve the highest good. The promise of this idea may seem obscure but how does it feel to think that someone believes and trusts in you so much they know that you'll do the best you can with what you know and learn more to do better. They see and appreciate how good you are, how much you do, and how well you do it. How does that work for you?

I came into life as a master faultfinder. There were many things I didn't like about life and I let it be known. Was my attitude established before I came into life. I wouldn't be surprised because I've spent most of my life trying to understand the nature of all Being and Creation. It's a big job but I love it!

Oh, I said I came into life as a master faultfinder. When I leave this mortal coil, I expect to be at the level of a Master of Appreciation, for I have discovered that life is truly amazing! It is my belief that beyond human law there is no good or bad, right or wrong; there just IS! There is the difference between what we like and don't like, what works for us and what doesn't, what makes us happy and what doesn't, in our oneness with and separate from All That Is, as both products of creation and creation itself.

For more on Thought Dynamics and the hidden reality behind all realities, visit my website: https://www.realtalkworld.com. Imagine that we're all citizens in the Universe of All That Is. Can you see it? Can you feel it?

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Lee - I haven't been receiving any articles in my inbox since I subscribed, are you not publishing anything to substack account yet?

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Hi Fang,

Do you have any articles in the works?

Thinking about changing subxn. What is your focus?

I did have a tip I was offered to share, but held off bec I don't know if it's the kind of topic that you're interested in & you haven't written anything yet.

What is your passion?

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I’m in. Welcome to Substack

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I've been reading your work for a few years now and always learn something from your investigations. Congratulations on your Substack page, I'm really looking forward to reading it.

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