Fantastic work, Lee. Thank you for keeping this story, and Bahattacharya's voice, visible. While deeply important to the protection of free speech and informed consent, it is also redeeming and vindicating for those of us who lived through shame, ridicule, or worse (job loss, family or public ostracism, etc.) for exercising a right to bodily autonomy - the right to choose what we put in our bodies and the right to respect our own wisdom as to what is best for us, sans mass societal pressures.

Keep up the good work, both of you.

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Feb 24Liked by Lee Fang

I watched this entire interview. It was wonderful. Two truthtellers discussing their experiences in the dystopian nightmare known as everything covid. Thank you both for your honesty and time and effort. It is appreciated.

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I read the new york times article from 2020 you cited. Wild how the issue they had wasnt that there was any indication what the santa clara report was untrue, its that they felt it wasnt peer reviewed and got scooped up by conservative media. “Trust the science”

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If we lived in a sane world the 2020 Santa Clara report would have been hailed as good news that would prevent school closures, masks, isolation and all the other control measures everyone endured. But we don’t live in a sane world, we live in a world that’s gone insane over money and will do anything to get as much as possible.

Anyone remember the Medicare/Medicaid drug bill signed into law by Bush in 2004? Passed in a bipartisan Congress, they agreed to pay pharmaceuticals full price for every pill or injection without bargaining for bulk discounts. If these injectable diet (pretending to be diabetes) drugs get approval, doctors will be pressured to prescribe to as many patients as possible. And it’s a medication you have to take for the rest of your life to retain the benefit of weight loss so the profits would have to be immense and would come directly from the taxpayers.

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In retrospect it looks like 2020 was a year when the government tried to force everyone to stay home and live through screens, control the information they could see, control the information they could share, limit their real social interactions, and after all that, have them vote by mail. And if you tried to complain about or defy any of it, you could lose your job, lose your professional license, lose access to your education, and lose the ability to have your voice heard in the virtual public square. And nearly all of it was done through third parties to limit the government's liability.

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They're not done yet. There will be more to come.

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funny thing that. the saying is always hindsight is always 20/20

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Really, really enjoyed your interview with Dr. Bhattacharya. Very informative. He seems to be a very genuine, uncynical man. His shock at the reaction his work received and the way he was treated was just saddening.

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The most infuriating comment I would come across is "I trust science" when discussions would question the government narrative. Spoken like scientists could not be corrupted or scientific communities couldn't be influenced.

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Feb 24Liked by Lee Fang

Bravo !!!

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the last few minutes. wow. "we are in a crisis of trust". thanks Lee and Jay for all of your hard work

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My own career as a journalist was derailed by corporate interests. As a newspaper opinion writer and reporter, my critique of Big Ag got me fired. Thanks, Lee, for focusing on this invisible industry. Cargill remained in Russia after the invasion because it assumed that Putin would go down and "regime change" would turn over control of Siberia ("the future breadbasket, owing to climate change," according to a Cargill exec) to Western conglomerates. It was wonderful hearing Dr. Bahattacharya lamenting that not even tenure protects him from assaults on his integrity. Yup, I've been there. I am so grateful that people like you exist, as I don't know anyone personally who dares (or wants) to question authority. You are both my heroes!

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I am the 97th subscriber of Lee's YT channel. Make sure you are subscribed there as well.

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I asked because I've developed an urge to eat grass. But my time on the mile has improved.

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Feb 25·edited Feb 25

good thing you dont have river blindness as ivermectin is the cure,, good thing you dont have hookworm , roundworm or whipworm. as many children do. the cure?/ yup Ivermectin. so we dont care what you eat but at least you could look up the drug before making a horses ass out of yourself. enjoy your grass

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Too bad there is not a delete choice here.

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why. it is fun to see the ignorant trying to be funny

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wow. just wow..one of my dr friends told me Jay was a "nutcase" and Fauci was "a saint". thanks for your hard work. I will send this to my friend but he still wont believe me. or you. sad as that is

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That was great. Thanks to both of you great Americans.

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Just watched. I am so proud to be a subscriber Lee. I’m reminded of the Thick as a Brick lyric - I may make you feel, but I can’t make you think. Your writing gives me plenty to think about regardless of how I may feel toward the subject or perspective taken. Thanks!

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What was of equal harm to the US is the further division that it created, mostly along political lines, but also among friends and family. To this day discussing Covid, the need for a vaccine or booster and the on-going threat of contracting Covid many times leads to disagreement. If only the Govt and Corporate media ( I just cannot call it MSM anymore) would come out and correct the record then possibly we could move forward on this issue. But they prefer the Chicken Little “the sky is falling” crowd-think instead.

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